Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Europe, here we go a group of 18 years old Backpackers

Ok, here it´s when all started back in the year 1999 me and my best three friends included my cousin who joined us in Barcelona where about to start our first backpacking experience that would radically change our lives forever. Back then we were little kids, trying to copy what our elder brothers did three years before us so it was all about saving as much money as we could knowing that by the time the summer would arrive we were getting on a plane without our parents - for the first time in our lives - to fly to Spain to start our Europe Backpacking experience.

I remember those days before going to one place to the other, getting our ISIC cards and Hostelling International cards, plus designing some fake Press ID, so as to be able to save as much money as we could.

Actually it was a funny thing because we were planning to pretend that we belonged to a media corporation to be able to get in for free on museums, and other places and we designed this Press cards with pictures signature and seal, and my cousin who back then was living in Venezuela send me a very low quality picture through the internet (ICQ- back then) that I resize to make it fit on our Fakes ids.

Actually now even though I really look around I couldn´t find my own ID but I did find a model of the "new one" that some friends of mine recently used around Europe just one month ago and it looks like this..(Telefe is one of the biggest media in Argentina)

we bought the Eurali-Pass, because in that year yet there were not the cheap flying airlines that now make backpackers save so much time and money, so we had to make all our backpacking trip with our big backpacks (of course, because each time you go on a new ride you know how to take more in less space), and taking one train after the other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how would one go about making a pass?