Backpackers... Let's go for a walk around the city
Yes, all set backpacks open, smiles in the faces and a a new city to be discovered. We got all our things in our "5" stars bedroom in the guest house, and we leave the place to go for a walk.
We go down the stairs that by then felt so easy because we weren't bringing our heavy backpacks on our backs, and life seemed to be just wonderful. We started walking through the Gran via Street finding ourselves for the first time with the real feeling that our backpacker's experience was starting at that right moment, with no worries about schedules, nor responsabilities but just the will to see what every corner, and every street had to offer to us while we walked sorrounded by the lights of the winter night.
We walked for around two hours, around the city, had dinner and return to our majestic guest House.
We got up the stairs and went to sleep... but first... yes as always fear appears again, and my cousin takes out his backpack and searches for something inside of it.
HERE IT IS!!, I ask what's that???, and alarm we plugged to the door and if somebody tries to get inside while we are sleeping we will be wake up!!.
WOW, that's amazing!!, we can use that during all our trip!!! with that we can go to sleep safe without the fear that somebody could steel our backpacks or stuff while we sleep.
Exactly he said....
All done, I write down on my backpacker diary "First night, the unexpected happened, we solve it!!, this backpacking thing really suit us!!
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